Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Often when found by her dress, still pose Early 'sloppy'.

Andhara Early Astrawinata (born in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan, 11 September 1979 aged 30 years) is back TV.Latar presenter was born from Adilwan Astrawinata (father) and Narwila Narang (mother). The woman plays around 160cm that is four children of...
READ MORE - Often when found by her dress, still pose Early 'sloppy'.

Aline began her career as a model since 1995 when the school joined in the senior model's fashion, Okky Asokawati

Ingrid Caroline Adita better known as Aline Tumbuan (born in Jakarta, July 17, 1980; age 29 years) is a model, presenter, radio broadcaster Cosmopolitan, and caregivers frequently asked questions section Aline Ask the men's magazine FHM.CareerAline began...
READ MORE - Aline began her career as a model since 1995 when the school joined in the senior model's fashion, Okky Asokawati

Alice began his career in the world since the model was 13 years old.

Alice Norin (born in Stavanger, Norway, June 21, 1987; age 22 years) is a model and soap opera player nationality Indonesia.Alice began his career in the world since the model was 13 years old. In addition to the world of modeling, Female crossbred Norway-Manado-Sundanese...
READ MORE - Alice began his career in the world since the model was 13 years old.

Jakarta Relations romance with Celine Alexandra Gottardo Nugros indeed been crushed. Even so they still look like a tender moment they are still makin

Alexandra Gottardo is usually called Ria or Xandra (born in Malang, East Java, January 9, 1985; age 24 years) is a model, presenter, and actress of Indonesia. Couples only daughter Carlo Gottardo and Banik Ekawati has starred in several soap operas,...
READ MORE - Jakarta Relations romance with Celine Alexandra Gottardo Nugros indeed been crushed. Even so they still look like a tender moment they are still makin

Coblos Love is a comedy / drama, released in Indonesia in 2008. IFI production of this film starring, among others by Nadia Saphira and Tommy Kurniawa

 Alessia Cestaro (born 30 November 1989; age 20 years) is Indonesian actress. He joined Coblos starred in Love in 2008.Newcomers Alessia Cestaro name. Name heard already felt the aura bule. Indeed, mother of Indonesia, while the real father of the...
READ MORE - Coblos Love is a comedy / drama, released in Indonesia in 2008. IFI production of this film starring, among others by Nadia Saphira and Tommy Kurniawa

The age of 15 years, Agnes began to plunge into the world of acting by starring in soap operas Pernikahan Dini. This success catapulted sinetron Agnes

Agnes Monica Muljoto (born in Jakarta, July 1, 1986; age 23 years) is a singer, dancer, and actress of Indonesia. He is the only Indonesian singer who has his own dance group called NEZindaHood.Agnes Monica early career began his career at the age of...
READ MORE - The age of 15 years, Agnes began to plunge into the world of acting by starring in soap operas Pernikahan Dini. This success catapulted sinetron Agnes

Although branded as sex bomb actress, Adelia Rasya acting apparently still afraid naked. "I'll pay gede though

With a variety of tactics, the three girls are spoiled and the city was turned upside down pecicilan seize the future builders of wife. Adilia Rasya (born in Bandung, February 2, 1988; age 21 years) is Indonesian actress. He began his career in the...
READ MORE - Although branded as sex bomb actress, Adelia Rasya acting apparently still afraid naked. "I'll pay gede though

JO - ANNA SUE depriving one HENLY Star RTM 2009 finalist who increasingly recognized.

JO - ANNA SUE depriving one HENLY Star RTM 2009 finalist who increasingly recognized. Not wrong to say that Ohartis this winsome girl faster label deck because popilariti world a very beautiful face and ayu.Name the actresses who are beautiful women...
READ MORE - JO - ANNA SUE depriving one HENLY Star RTM 2009 finalist who increasingly recognized.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lyssies Priscilla was born in Jakarta, 5 April 1985 is a model and actress of Indonesia.

Lyssies Priscilla was born in Jakarta, 5 April 1985 is a model and actress of Indonesia. Career in modeling, Sissy was known as a young model. She became a model since the age of 13 years. Sissy and become Champion II Model Kawanku 1999. Sissy's name...
READ MORE - Lyssies Priscilla was born in Jakarta, 5 April 1985 is a model and actress of Indonesia.

Isti Ayu Pratiwi or better known as Ayu Pratiwi was born in Jakarta, May 23, 1987, is the actor and model of Indonesia

Isti Ayu Pratiwi or better known as Ayu Pratiwi was born in Jakarta, May 23, 1987, is the actor and model of Indonesia. He is widely known through her role as Sarah in the movie Apocalypse's Close in 2003. In addition to playing in a number of soap operas...
READ MORE - Isti Ayu Pratiwi or better known as Ayu Pratiwi was born in Jakarta, May 23, 1987, is the actor and model of Indonesia

In 2009, what Sandra Dewi think about fashion in 2009, both of our beautiful goddess sandra star who is also displayed on Mulan Jameela Wonder Women

Sandra DewiMonica Nicholle Sandra Dewi Gunawan Basri, was born in Pangkal Pinang, Kepulauan Bangka Belitung, August 8, 1983, which is more popular with the actress Sandra Dewi Indonesia. Her name skyrocketed since playing in the big screen movie Quickie...
READ MORE - In 2009, what Sandra Dewi think about fashion in 2009, both of our beautiful goddess sandra star who is also displayed on Mulan Jameela Wonder Women

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Jessica Mila Agnesia: smart Akrtis Dance

Jessica Mila Agnesia: smart Akrtis Dance!Who says soap operas reply players just look doang capital?The proof is in addition to good acting, this girl is also adept nge-dance.What is in the shadow lo the chat with someone cheers?Is he going lo tell jumping...
READ MORE - Jessica Mila Agnesia: smart Akrtis Dance

Friday, November 20, 2009

Donita has been officially re-braided her love with Randy Velasquez

Donita Noni Anissa Ramadhani, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia, The Indonesian hot actress NewcomerProfile Donita, School: Tk Bhayangkari-BDG, SD Banjarsari-BDG, SMP 40 Bandung, SMA 7 Bandung, Affiliation: Portrait of Management, Hobbies: Sing, Swim, Favorite...
READ MORE - Donita has been officially re-braided her love with Randy Velasquez

Astrid I've established the love with vocalist Sheila on 7, Eross Candra, and also with actors Gading Marten. Both ended in separation

Yosephine Tiar Nasution Astrid, was born in Jakarta, July 12, 1986 was a stunt woman in Indonesia who plays the body 169 cm. Astrid began her career in the entertainment world as a cover girl in 2000. Her name skyrocketed over the soap opera the Name...
READ MORE - Astrid I've established the love with vocalist Sheila on 7, Eross Candra, and also with actors Gading Marten. Both ended in separation

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Artist Rizky Sharena beautiful movie stars, soap operas and advertising model was born in Jakarta

Artist Rizky Sharena beautiful movie stars, soap operas and advertising model was born in Jakarta, October 11, 1983, daughter of the couple Zaldi Gunawan - Sawitri Wardhani admits doing facials if any more time alone. There was no regular schedule. In...
READ MORE - Artist Rizky Sharena beautiful movie stars, soap operas and advertising model was born in Jakarta

Anjani Tjut Yuzar as a model Nuance clip Bening - Aldiano Vidi

Anjani Tjut Yuzar as a model Nuance clip Bening - Aldiano Vidi, Video Clip Oath Model Dead-Baron Soulmates, Runner Up 2007 GIRL Cover, Full Name: Anjani Tjut Yuzar, Date of birth: April 28, 1992, School: Kls 2 IPA - SMA 6 Jakarta, Personal Information,...
READ MORE - Anjani Tjut Yuzar as a model Nuance clip Bening - Aldiano Vidi

Video Alena clip presents a different image than the usual

Caroline Gunawan or usually called Neo (born in Malang, East Java, November 9, 1981; age 28 years) is an Indonesian singer. Alena second album, released in Myself 2008. Lavender chosen as the winning song was different because Neo is aimed Mandarin market....
READ MORE - Video Alena clip presents a different image than the usual

Yasmine to be a model and soap star undermine doubt this young girl

Jakarta - His passion to the world of the Internet, especially Facebook opened it to bring good luck for Yasmine Leeds Wildblood. The reason why friendships through networking, karis keartisan Caucasians faced girl began. At that Yasmine, always claimed...
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Thursday, November 12, 2009

Moudy Mikha Tembayong is COVER GIRL 2008

Name Moudy Mikha Tembayong born 15 September 1994. Schools, 68 high schools, JKT. Name of Father / Mother michael Tambayong / Deva Tambayong. Achievement, COVER GIRL 2008. Hobbies eating, sleeping (hehehe). Micah serves as Trisha. Trisha is a simple...
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Annisa Larasati Pohan penetrated broadcasting world as a radio announcer

Annisa Larasati Pohan was born in Boston, United States, November 20, 1981 was a model of Indonesia. He was Muslim and had won the election arena Shampoo Girl 2001. Previously, he was a finalist in 1997 cover girl. Zodiac, Scorpio. Jobs, presenter. former...
READ MORE - Annisa Larasati Pohan penetrated broadcasting world as a radio announcer

Gita fill Love soundtrack and film Laskar Pelangi which became one of Indonesia's best-selling movie in 2008

The name was born, Aluna Sagita Gutawa. Place of Birth Date, August 11, 1993 Jakarta, Indonesia. Parents, Erwin Gutawa - Lutfi Andriani. Muslim Gita is a child of music stylist Lutfi Andriani - Erwin Gutawa explore music since the 2nd grade elementary...
READ MORE - Gita fill Love soundtrack and film Laskar Pelangi which became one of Indonesia's best-selling movie in 2008

Name, Baby Gracia Putri Monica Supit. Name calling, Gecha

Name, Baby Gracia Putri Monica Supit. Name calling, Gecha. Place of Birth Date, Jakarta, March 18, 1988. Father's name, Wisaksono Hendarto. Name of Mother, Sheila Maria Johana Supit. Zodiac, pisces. Favorite Color: BlueStars who often appear in Pepsodent...
READ MORE - Name, Baby Gracia Putri Monica Supit. Name calling, Gecha